Meditation Time

Harish chandra doing meditation during dunset in rishikesh

Early morning and evening, i.e. when night passes into day and day into night; these are the best hours for meditation. One should meditate regularly at fixed hours, for who knows when the auspicious moment will come when one will have a vision


Yogini meditating near rishikesh river

To find God, one should meditate every morning and night, and whenever there is a little spare time during the day. In addition, it is important to meditate for six hours on one day out of the week. This is not unreasonable; some people practice


Meditaion during sunset

Meditation can be on divine forms as well as on OM. As one goes on meditating, the mind gets absorbed in OM. As one goes on repeating OM and reflecting on its meaning, the mind becomes steady, that is to say, it does not give it up.

What To Expect From 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

200 hour yoga teacher training student welcome ceremony

As a yoga teacher I can confidently say that yoga has transformed my life. I have been practising yoga for years and initially it took me a year or two to realise & completely understand the impact of yoga on me. It has been a life-changing


Yoga kamal in rishikesh

Om is a case in point. One of the most popular sacred sounds, Om is the seed mantra of universal consciousness. It has been expounded in the Vedas, Upanishads, and throughout Tantric literature.


Picture describing that universe is also within us

So ‘ham is the first mentioned in the Upanishads, ancient text written in Sanskrit, and in that language so ‘ham means “I AM THAT” It has come to us through revelation. All mantras belong to the universal language. Its phonemes, words, and groups of words were revealed to the seers in their deep SAMADHI,


200 hour Yoga teacher training certification by Rishikesh Yoga Valley

Ever thought of becoming a yoga teacher? If you did, you’re at the right place. In this article
we talked about how to become a yoga teacher in India, What is the criteria/eligibility