Rishikesh Yoga Valley

Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Rishikesh

100 Hrs | 200 Hrs | 300 Hrs

The Story Behind Our Logo - Rishikesh Yoga Valley

Logo - Rishikesh Yoga Valley

Growing up in the mountains of Rishikesh, Kamal, as a young boy, hiked these beautiful mountains, swam in the holy rivers of The Ganga, meditated on its Ghats, and led his life in connection with nature. He trained efficiently in Yoga for several years and successfully completed Masters Of Yoga.

As a young man, he travelled to different countries, taught yoga in various cities & Amidst all the hustle, he dreamt of having his own yoga school, where he could teach authentic principles of Hatha Yoga. He dreamt of sharing his knowledge , and he definitely couldn’t think of any other place rather than his sweet hometown, which also happens to the World Capital Of Yoga itself, Rishikesh, India.

The vision he had for his logo was to represent every element of Rishikesh. He wished for everyone who visits Rishikesh & begins their journey in Yoga, to experience it’s beautiful – forests, huge mountains, & the meditative magic of River Ganga. He put thought, time & love in coming up with this himself. Our logo represents the mountains of Rishikesh, The River Ganga flowing in the valley beneath , A yogi awakening to his full potential, & a very powerful mantra / verse – called The Gayatri Mantra – A Universal Prayer.

‘ Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Suvaha
Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonaḥ Prachodayāt’

Which meant
Chanting of Gayatri mantra evokes love, power and unity in an individual. It is a prayer offered to the Universe to rid our hearts of darkness and bless us with the capacity to love, & to basically see that- our souls are connected, we are all one. It purifies our energy and provides the mental strength & purpose to one’s practice.

Yoga is so much more than just physical asanas. Asanas are only one of the eight limbs of Yoga. Kamal hopes that everyone who visits Rishikesh learns it’s depth and meaning.

Since 2016 , Rishikesh Yoga Valley has taught hundreds of students & helped them achieve their certification from Yoga Alliance and establish their own careers and schools teaching Yoga. With our Yoga teacher training, Yoga & Ayurveda retreats, Online Classes and multiple workshops we always welcome every individual from worldwide with open hearts and hope to show you a glimpse of our lifestyle in Lower Himalayan Mountains of Rishikesh, India. Our vision of spreading true Yogic knowledge has come to life and we invite everyone on this enlightening & life – changing journey, here at Rishikesh Yoga Valley.