Rishikesh Yoga Valley

Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Rishikesh

100 Hrs | 200 Hrs | 300 Hrs

My 200 hr yoga teacher training experience in Rishikesh, India- A Student Testimony.

Yogi doing meditation during 20 hour yoga ttc

I completed my 200 hr yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, and as I was handed my certificate today, I was overwhelmed with how far I have come in my yoga journey. Here as I reflect on my overall experiences , I’m keen to share this journey with aspiring yoga teachers.

A small town bustling with yogis & yoginis in their yoga pants & dhotis, rushing to their classes with their tote bags & chilling in the evenings at oh-so-many organic cafes, sit-outs & sipping their lemon tea or fruit smoothies with their yoga friends, reading books on various topics like – tantra, kundalini & healing. Yes, Learning Yoga in Rishikesh sounds like the most meaningful experience you can gift yourself.

At my school, the waking hour was 5 AM, and the first class began at 6AM. Practising pranayam in the early hours until the sun began shining on me from the windows was definitely my favourite hour of the day. I felt so much at home, our yoga hall was renovated by my yoga teacher ‘s very own hands and his own vision, with natural material – bamboo for walls & the floor. There were indoor plants too. We had the view of mountains very closely from our yoga Hall, and the only sound we mostly heard during any of our classes was of chirping birds and squirrels, yes- no honks & chaos. It was always a bliss to hangout at yoga Hall.

In the afternoon we learnt about various topics like Yoga Anatomy & Yoga Philosophy. For the longest time I practiced yoga with a focus mainly on achieving various postures only, rather than learning the ways it impact my body,mind & soul. My most favourite classes were the Alignment classes by Kamal. Alignment classes truly humbled me, and made me realize yoga is truly a journey to self. Everyday was a new day, and we were truly able to let go of our fear and ego, under Kamal’s guidance.

As a big time foodie, I can safely say I had the most delicious food here. Most of the food items were grown organically & came from my teacher’s home in the mountains. Sometimes he himself cooked us local recepies- I remember having a seasonal delicacy made from young bamboo shoots. He was always keen on sharing the knowledge about food & Ayurveda to his students. We ate fresh fruits with breakfast. The meals were so tasty, simple and healthy. And Kamal being so courteous always asked what we preferred/liked to eat. By the end of my teacher training, it’s safe to say I have finally come to understand the importance of consuming a healthy satvic diet. I’m otherwise a very moody person, and after a week and half at RYV I began noticing how my moods were more consistent now, I felt lighter and calm than ever.

My school had green feilds right opposite the gate. In the evenings we mostly sat by the paddy feilds sipping herbal tea while the sun went down ,feeding dogs, cows & squirrels with the leftovers from the day, or going to The Ganga Aarti at the ghats. It’s hard to imagine how much I’m going to miss this place.

While I’m already planning my second visit to Rishikesh, India , all I have to say to anyone who is planning to book a yoga teaching training course in Rishikesh, is – Go For It! Make sure you chose the right yoga training centre which meets all your requirements, as it is the first step that determines how you are going to feel most of the time. This experience is beyond worthy and I promise you will only leave craving for more!

Good luck & Happy Learning !